Beard Transplantation:

Many men have the desire to grow a thick, full beard. Not every man can make it happen, however, and that’s why procedures such as beard transplants have risen in popularity. A beard transplant does what your genetics and other factors won’t allow you to do. Hair is taken from another part of your body (most commonly from the scalp) and transplanted to the area of your beard or moustache.

It is traditionally done by either FUE, FUT and DHI. In some cases, the sides of the scalp can also be used. However, whichever site is used is often decided on which has the closest match to facial hair. The new hairs that will grow soon will take on the same characteristics of other facial hairs, such as its texture. And yes, you can even shave these off, without you having to worry about these not growing back.

Recent reports say the procedures have seen an increase in demand of 600% during the past five years. Especially the long beard (hipster beard) fashion has created more awareness of it between men who do not used to have a full facial coverage. Only in the UK 4,500 men had beard transplantation in 2012, and this number has seen a steep increase every year since then. Most men claim that the procedure has boosted their confidence and had finally given them a chance to style their facial hair as they wish. Due to the considerably smaller implantation area, compared to a top of the head procedure, beard implantation is highly popular amongst men who have advanced hair loss level, as Norwood Scale 5 or more, who may not achieve the desired coverage with a traditional hair transplant procedure. Less donor hair is required for extraction compared to a hair transplant procedure, consequently the rate of patient approval is quite higher than usual hair transplant suitability rate, so for this reason on its own, many men are eligible for the procedure.